Hello! Welcome to the Lotus Wellness Center Blog!
I’m River Lin. Although I am currently living out of the country, I’m a Muncie resident and am passionate about connecting people together and promoting better quality of life for all people.
I met Steve Gregory when I had pain in my back and he literally healed me. And then we met again a few years later when I had pain in my shoulders and felt trapped in my body. Again, the bodywork applied by Steve healed me. But I’m not talking about just making the pain go away; what I mean is that as the physical limitations of my shoulder movement let go and freed me to move more naturally in my body, I rediscovered self-confidence, renewed energy, and new dreams for my life. I don’t mean to be dramatic, but seriously, that’s exactly what happened. To me, that’s a real healing!
Not only did my body become freer and my psyche more happy, through the process, I also found a dear friend. Steve and I have like minds, discovered through our many conversations about the wholeness of the human experience and how strange it is to separate all the parts in search of complete health. Steve understood my problems and goals and was therefore able to advise me with other things I was doing to promote the work being done on the massage table, in particular, yoga. I learned how yoga could reinforce my massage therapy and experienced how the massage improved my yoga practice. My experience with the bodywork at Lotus Wellness Center reconfirmed many things that I have always believed about body/mind/spirit existence. One fed the other such that as I regained physical liberty, it became clear that my body was responding and healing holistically and naturally, exactly as it should.
As a result of partnering in our efforts to “fix” my body both on the table and through his support in my yoga practice, Steve asked me to write some of my thoughts for the Lotus Wellness Center blog.
So that’s how I came to be the new blogger and that’s a part of the story that will unfold here.